Get the perfect driveway!
Our driveway cleaning process uses safe pressure to remove dirt and grime. Following a deep clean, this is followed by resanding to ensure stability and minimise the regrowth of weeds. It's a very messy job, especially without the proper equipment. Our team is always ready to give you the perfect, clean driveway. Give us a call today or hit the button below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Safe Extraction of Dirt & Grime
Maintain the Value of your Property
Resanding included
What Areas Do We Cover?
Dream Power Clean provide driveway cleaning services across Edinburgh and the surrounding areas:
Edinburgh Driveway Cleaning Services
East Lothian Driveway Cleaning Services
West Lothian Driveway Cleaning Services
Midlothian Driveway Cleaning Services
We also cover several areas outside Edinburgh such as Falkirk and Dunfermline.
"Absolutely delighted with the end result of my monoblocking clean, it looks brand new again. I would highly recommended Dream Power Clean, so professional from start to finish".
Nic Cochrane, East Lothian